Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today was the Halloween march at Bernice and Joe's Playschool. The kids walked up the street to a couple houses that were expecting them. They got lots of treats and had a great time!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bath Time- Still a Great Time!!

Calliou, CJ's Crazy Cat.

This is CJ's cat, Calliou. He is crazy. He is obsessed with dogs and follows every dog in the neighborhood. I wish he would smarten up! CJ loves him sooooo much but he has a serious death wish. I hope he survives!!

Another Pumpkin Patch with Cayden

Carving Pumpkins with Daddy!

This is the first year that CJ has been super excited about the holidays. He asks everyday about when it is time to Trick or Treat. He is going to be a Ladybug. He had a great time carving pumpkins with Daddy....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Daddy and CJ

CJ continues to be a mommy's boy but with one exception. Since I have been pregnant, it is hard to rough house with him. He waits patiently all day for Chris to come home. When Chris gets here, CJ wants "to fight." He loves to wrestle, climb on Chris and jump on his stomach WWF style. Thank God that Chris is here! This is the only way that CJ can get his energy out at the end of the day...

Time Flies!!

I can't believe it has been so long since I updated this blog. Lots has happened but time flies so quickly. CJ turned 3 years old in August, I am pregnant and due in 3 weeks, Halloween is coming, and so much more. I am waiting on some pictures from Chris' cousin, Christine from CJ's bday. I was bad and didn't take any!! Too busy playing hostess, I guess. CJ is doing very well and has a new best friend, Adrian. Adrian attends Bernice and Joe's Playschool with him and the two are virtually inseparable. We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday on a field trip and they had lots of fun! I am happy they love each other as it makes dropping CJ off at school-very, very easy!!