Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Days-One Month Ago....

It is hard to believe this was one month ago. So much has changed! Miss my doggies!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

CJ the Artist.

CJ loves to do art, as mentionned before. His project today is taping his motorcycles and airplanes to the wall. He is very serious about this task.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

CJ Loves the Rain

This week has been less than nice! The good news is that CJ loves his rainboots, coat, hat and umbrella. He leaves this outfit on when he is inside as well!! Cute!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

More Cayden and CJ

Today we went to the park by Nancy and Cayden's house. The kids had a lot of fun swinging.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

CJ's BFF, Cayden.....

CJ's best friend is Cayden. Me and Cayden's mom, Nancy, have been friends for many years. We did pre-natal yoga together and post-natal yoga together--so they have literally known each other from age 0+. The picture above is from a few weeks ago when Cayden and Nancy slept over. The one below is from tonight. They were watching Elmo in both shots. They really love each other. Lucky us!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Thank God for Washable Finger paints and Pergo!

CJ loves doing artwork. At his preschool, Rebecca says he is one of the only kids that will sit for hours painting, gluing, and drawing. He really likes it. As an artist myself, I would have to agree. He is extremely talented. It's not his fault!!! He got finger paints for Christmas from one of our friends, Kelvan. He loves them! I have to bring them out right before bath for obvious reasons.....

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Swimming with CJ!

Today was fun. For mine and Chris' 10th anniversary, we rented a room at the St. Regis Hotel. This is an awesome 5 star hotel in downtown S.F.. Our friend, Anne, babysat CJ overnight at home. In the morning, he came over and swam like crazy. He loves the water. He has been swimming since he was 6 months old and taking lessons at Aquatech Swim School in Alameda. The suit he is wearing was my niece's when she was little (hence the Ariel Princess theme.) It is so great to have so you don't have to constantly hold on to him. He loves swimming by himself.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve 2009

We had a great walk today in Joaquin Miller Park in Oakland. CJ ran for miles through the muddy paths. We took all the dogs and they had a great time. We were there for about 1.5 hours. This is what I love about Oakland: Great parks with lots of open space. We only saw 4 people in the park. It was a beautiful, happy day.
Turns out this would be the last walk our old dog, Comet would have. When we got home from dinner tonight, she had passed away in her bed. We don't know what happened but she did look peaceful and had to have gone quick. RIP baby girl- you will be missed....

Christmas in Arizona 2009

Christmas was in Arizona this year. My brother flew the whole family there to celebrate together. CJ had a great time playing with his cousins. His favorite things to do were decorating cookies and the gingerbread house. Nanny gave him candy necklaces and pez dispensers which created a bit of a sugar monster. Oh well, it was a great time and the first time we'd been all together for Christmas in a longtime!

Christmas at Bernice and Joe's Playschool 12/19/09

Cj met santa for the first time at his playschool. He was really shy. Santa was cool and he gave out books to all the kids. All the parents and kids were there. It was a fun time. We sang Christmas carols and the kids danced around. We love Bernice and Joe's!!

The Start of the Blog 12/12/09

The Start of the Blog (at long last!!) [Photo]It is Christmas 2009 and Cj is 2 years and 4 months old. I have been wanting to start a blog since he was born, but taking care of a kid is a full time job! We never had a nanny and childcare is hard to come by. But that is ok because we have been able to spend every minute (practically) with CJ which is great. I am going to be going forward and backward with CJ memories until I can catch up with his current age. This blog isn't fancy but I am not too computer inclined. Enjoy!!!
Labels: Christmas 2009

CJ's Second Birthday 8/15/2009

First Birthday Party 8/15/2008

Looking Back 3 months to 6 months

Looking Back 8/15/2007

Looking Back: 6/02/2007

For mother's day in 2007, before CJ was born, Chris gave me a 3-D photo shoot. This was the best shot.