Sunday, February 28, 2010

Some Random Shots.

My friend, Nancy, is a firefighter. She invited CJ to the firehouse last week. He was thrilled to sit in the engine. He insisted on wearing his raincoat and hat.
Here is CJ's smile photo. He finally smiles for the camera upon command. Such a natural smile as well!!!

CJ is finally loving playgrounds. It took him awhile, but now he is hard to drag away. Is that a good thing? I think so.

The Scoot!!

CJ is getting better at his Scoot. For those of you that don't know, a Scoot is a "balance bike." They learn to balance with the use of their legs and transition better to a real bike without training wheels. We'll have to see if the principle holds up!! He loves it though, and is getting pretty good....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Little Artist.

Last night we were drawing on the picnic table with chalk. CJ announced that he was going to draw an airplane. I thought it was pretty good for a two year old--but what do I know!!! I love the picture--it is super cute.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Rare Shot!

It is really hard to get CJ to look at you when you are taking a picture. He always looks away and never smiles for the camera. I like this picture. The only reason that he is smiling, is because he is kicking me!!!

CJ and the Horses!!

CJ loves riding horses. Everytime he rides, he gets mad at me if I hold on to him. It can be stressful at times!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Catherine's First Birthday

Yesterday was Cj's cousin's first birthday. Catherine was a cute little angel all day (pictured above.) The party was in Salinas, CA at her grandparents house. We had a good time despite CJ being a little sick.
Here we are laying in the bouncy house!

They had a petting zoo with bunnies, ducks, and chickens. CJ really loved the bunnies. Happy Birthday to Catherine!!!